Rate Card for Lentera Kecil Grup

rate card

Lentera Kecil Grup (LKG) is a blog group consisting of several independent blogs aimed at presenting various types of topics to readers. Blogs under LKG function like typical blogs, hosting informative and educational content across various niches or categories to share insights and knowledge with the public. Some of the common topics include technology, lifestyle, health, education, business, and practical guides in various fields. Each blog has its own style and approach to delivering information but remains guided by independence and credibility as a source of information.

It is important to note that LKG is not designed as a backlink or paid review service and is not part of a PBN (Private Blog Network), which is often used to increase the authority of other sites, commonly referred to as a “money site.”

Why Was a Rate Card Created for Lentera Kecil Grup?

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of requests from external parties contacting LKG admins to inquire about rates or fees related to potential collaboration on content placements, such as review articles or advertisement publications. These requests come from various sources, including social media, blog contacts, and direct emails. To streamline communication and address questions regarding pricing details of services that may be offered, LKG admins decided to create a Rate Card.

The Creation of This Rate Card Aims to:

  1. Transparency: With a clear rate list, both the blog managers and those looking to collaborate can understand the applicable pricing scheme transparently. This minimizes confusion or differing expectations regarding prices.
  2. Time Efficiency: Instead of responding to each inquiry individually, Lentera Kecil Grup can directly refer to the prepared Rate Card. This is more efficient and saves time for both parties.
  3. Ease of Access: A publicly available Rate Card allows anyone interested to know the collaboration options available in LKG. They can access the pricing information at any time without having to go through a lengthy communication process.

Rate Card for Lentera Kecil Grup

The determination of the Rate Card for content placement or sponsored posts in Lentera Kecil Grup is based on a combination of several factors, including:

  1. Authority. Read the results of DA-PA and DR for Lentera Kecil Grup.
  2. Average views.
  3. Domain age.
  4. Fee considerations obtained from content placement marketplaces or direct offers via email.

Rate Group 1: Rp 200,000 ($18) per article for the following sites/blogs:

  1. lenterakecil.com
  2. padamu.net
  3. kanal.web.id
  4. kanalinfo.web.id
  5. literasipublik.com
  6. kanalpengetahuan.com
  7. kumau.info
  8. kanalwisata.com
  9. namablogku.com
  10. lenterabisnis.com
  11. lenteraseo.com
  12. kanalinformasi.com

Rate Group  2 Rp 150.000 ($14) per article for the following sites/blogs:

  1. kangandre.web.id
  2. lenterabijak.com
  3. lenterapedia.com
  4. lenterakeluarga.com
  5. lenterakecil.net
  6. ngalih.id
  7. lenterarumah.com
  8. kanalotomotif.com
  9. temporaktif.com
  10. droidinside.com
  11. gookalian.com
  12. tambah.info
  13. sukapergi.com
  14. sinergibisnis.com
  15. teknotorial.com
  16. formaxmanroe.com (english blog)
  17. destyless.com (english blog)

Rate Group  3 Rp 125.000 ($10) per article for the following sites/blogs:

  1. kafekolong.com
  2. lenterasehat.com
  3. materidigital.com
  4. arsipdigital.net
  5. literasionline.com
  6. lenteradigital.com
  7. kanalhub.com
  8. santiaji.com
  9. kabar123.com
  10. lenterapengetahuan.com
  11. www.kumauinfo.com
  12. www.kelasdata.com
  13. Datareferensi.com
  14. Ruangpintar.com
  15. digitalinfo.id
  16. pengalih.com
  17. www.emirgarden.com
  18. ayotanya.com
  19. relasimu.com
  20. manasuka.id
  21. www.kanalekbis.com
  22. lenteraonline.com
  23. blogliterasi.com
  24. wisatasiana.com
  25. hardipurba.com
  26. kanalwaktu.com
  27. lenterabudaya.com
  28. lenterajurnal.com
  29. lenterainspirasi.com
  30. alihteknologi.com
  31. kanalgriya.com

Rate Group  4 Rp 100.000 ($8) per article for the following sites/blogs:

  1. sdnpotoanlaok1.sch.id  (school website)
  2. sdnkacok02.sch.id (school website)
  3. indeks.web.id
  4. www.sumber.web.id
  5. khazanah.web.id
  6. Kanalonline.web.id
  7. lenterasehat.web.id
  8. daihatsuzebra.web.id
  9. arudam.web.id
  10. Infomu.web.id
  11. lentera.my.id
  12. seokecil.my.id

Rate Group  5 Rp 50.000 ($4) per article for the following sites/blogs:

  1. kanal.my.id
  2. manasuka.my.id
  3. daihatsu.my.id
  4. lentera.biz.id
  5. manasuka.biz.id
  6. beranda.biz.id
  7. namablog.biz.id
  8. lenterakecil.biz.id
  9. www.arudam.my.id
  10. www.infoliterasi.my.id
  11. www.karepku.my.id
  12. www.benowis.my.id
  13. www.statis.my.id

Terms of Service (ToS) Lentera Kecil Grup (LKG)

1. General Provisions

  • Articles submitted for publication on Lentera Kecil Grup blogs must not violate any applicable laws in Indonesia.
  • Content must not contain elements of SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Intergroup Relations), pornography, gambling, or other themes that contradict established ethics and norms.
  • Every article must meet the set quality standards, both in terms of content and writing structure.

2. Article Submission

  • Articles may be submitted by the applicant. If the applicant requires articles from our team, an additional fee of Rp 25,000 per article will be charged, with a minimum of 500 words based on the requested topic. Articles written by our team can also be revised if necessary.
  • Submitted articles must be relevant to the chosen blog’s theme and must not conflict with Lentera Kecil Grup’s content policy.

3. Pricing and Payment

  • Prices listed are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
  • For orders of at least three articles or publications on three blogs, price negotiations are possible.
  • Payment can be made through Bank Mandiri, BCA, or PayPal (in USD).
  • Invoices can be provided upon request.

4. Link Out (Backlink) Policy

  • Each article with a minimum of 500 words can include up to three outbound links (backlinks).
  • Outbound links must not lead to prohibited sites such as online gambling, pornography, or other illegal activities. If a link is later modified to lead to a prohibited or illegal site, it will be removed without a refund.

5. Support and Additional Services

  • All blogs within Lentera Kecil Grup use SSL (https) for security and are hosted on VPS servers or owned reseller hosting.
  • Blogs are regularly updated and are not 100% filled with content placements or sponsored articles, ensuring content variety and maintaining the blog’s authority.
  • Every published article will automatically be shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr to extend readership reach.
  • Published articles and backlinks are lifetime unless there is a removal request, the link leads to a 404 error page (not found), or the content violates the set conditions.
  • All blogs in the LKG network are supported by dummy blogs owned by Lentera Kecil Grup to boost content authority and reach.
  • Some blogs within Lentera Kecil Grup also display ads from Google AdSense while maintaining a balance between organic content and advertisements.
  • We do not provide screenshots or reports from Google Analytics, but if needed, reports from Google Search Console or Cloudflare can be provided, as all blogs have been registered with GSC for performance tracking.
  • If there are changes or updates to the policy, customers who have placed previous orders will not be affected by any price changes or new terms.


Lentera Kecil Grup is committed to maintaining the quality and credibility of each published article. By applying high security standards, technical support, and clear policies, we aim to provide reliable and transparent services to all clients working with us.

For further information, contact: [email protected]

Indonesian version

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